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Open-Source Software

Mongo: a Mongodb Helper for Golang New window icon

Writing MongoDB APIs in Go language made easy with a twist.

# MongoDB # Go

dotnetcore: A .Net Core SDK Uninstaller for POSIX Systems New window icon

There is no official way to remove previous versions of .Net Core SDKs in POSIX systems, this tool can help you with that.

# .Net Core # CLI # Python

azsecrets: A CLI to Set Azure Key Vault as Environment Variables New window icon

A CLI tool to make Azure KeyVault secrets into environment variables.

# Python # Azure

JMark: A Minimalistic Markdown Editor (Archived) New window icon

A Minimalistic Markdown Editor

# Java

PyMark: A Minimalistic Markdown Editor (Archived) New window icon

A Minimalistic Markdown Editor

# Python

JCal: A Mortgage Calculator (Archived) New window icon

Mortgage calculator based on Java

# Java

NeuroRehab: A VR game for Neurorehabilitation (Archived) New window icon

A Machine Learning based VR game for Neurorehabilitation.

# AI # UnrealEngine # C++ # Machine Learning

Emotive Matlab SDK (Archived) New window icon

An SDK wrapper for Matlab.

# Matlab # Emotiv # Machine Learning

Abies: An all-in-one web creator (Not Maintained) New window icon

A Django based all-in-one web creator.

# Python # Django

Azure Blob Explorer for Java (Archived) New window icon

CRUD functions for Azure Blob

# Azure # Java

Spark: A Hugo Theme for Researchers New window icon

Spark, a hugo theme for researchers.

# Hugo # Go

Gollahalli CMS: CMS for Researchers (Archived) New window icon

An opensource content management system for researchers.

# Python # Django

Release-Exporter: Release exporter for GitHub and GitLab New window icon

Create a or rst or json files based on the release description of GitHub or GitLab.

# Python 3 # CLI

Spikes: A Spiking Neural Network framework New window icon

An Spiking Neural Network framework written in Python 3.

# Python 3 # Machine Learning

SML: Spikes Markup Language for Spiking Neural Network New window icon

Spikes Markup Language for Spiking Neural Network framework - Spikes.

# XML # Machine Learning

SpikesParser: A data parser for Spikes framework New window icon

Also comes with SML parser.

# Python 3 # Machine Learning

SML-GUI: A GUI to export data to Spikes Markup Language New window icon

A GUI to export data to Spikes Markup Language based on Qt5.

# Python 3 # Qt5


Upcoming Projects and Tutorials

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